Course Code: 2PC10C24
Start Date: 29/04/2025
Day of the Week:Session: Morning
Delivery method: Centre Only
Length in weeks: 10
Time: 10.00-12.00pm
Price: £
This is an opportunity for students who have had experience in painting with either watercolour or acrylics (or both) to develop and improve their skills further. Students can opt to work in either medium or both. Classes will be steered towards thematic ideas with the intention of supporting individual development within the framework of comparative subject matter.
Painting kit list:
For watercolour
A standard pan (avoid budget sets) Or, tube paints; warm and cool selections of primaries red, blue, yellow. You can add to your range with siennas, violet, sap green etc as you develop an understanding of colour mixing
A basic Watercolour pad of paper or cold pressed cotton paper
A small variety of sized brushes for large wash work or finer detail. Nylon brushes will do and give more control alongside specific softer watercolour brushes.
An A4 or A3 board for stretching paper
For Acrylic
A starter set containing primary red, yellow blue, plus white. You can add to your colour range with siennas, umbers, violet, sap green etc as you develop an understanding of colour mixing
A sketchbook of quality cartridge paper. Acrylic paper isn’t always necessary, especially for exercises.
A range of nylon Round and Flat brushes in varying sizes from 3 – 14 for example
An A4 or A3 board for stretching paper, masking tape